Saturday, January 14, 2012

Pre Banquet Fun 2011 September

 Your Banquet Committee - Convenor - Sandra Rowe centre, Jackie Scott on the left and Carol Wilvert on the right.


One of the games played prior to Dinner, you had to throw a small sack and get it in or near the hole to get a ticket to win a prize.

Lots of action going on here Cherie throwing and Karen cheering her on!

Lynda Saberton taking aim at the target!

Lynda Hall watching - did she get it into that hole or not?

Shooting from the other direction Judy Kovacs - cheering her on Marg Boardman.

Here is Lynda Saberton again, trying to get that small ring around the neck of a wine bottle!

Carol waiting in anticipation to see if she can give one of those tickets she has in her hand to Penny.

Sharon is really studying the layout before she makes her next throw.  Ginny Sparrow waiting her turn in the background.

Kirsten Gibson and Marg MacVinnie, I think they are deciding who is going to throw first - the red or the blue!

By the smile Peggy Weimer either missed by a mile or got it into the hole.  Ginny enjoying the action.
Carol is in the background putting away the bottles - just about dinner time!

A photo of the prize table, but there is also a case of wine stashed somewhere out of sight!

It was nice to have such a great turnout at our final banquet, the committee hopes you enjoyed the games, the dinner and the fun of getting together with your fellow golfers.