The coffee party for the Monday Gypsies was held on April the 23rd in the Tyandaga Dining Room. The party was hosted by the Executive. There was tea, coffee an assortment of pastries (yummy), muffins, they were very good as well, a fruit tray and long stemmed glasses with yogurt and fruit very nicely displayed.
I took a few pictures as there are quite a few new members this year and I thought it would be nice to see their faces along with their names, so they are all individual pictures (maybe a few exceptions).

Carol Wilvert the President, welcomed everyone and went over all the details of what would take place during the golfing season. To be eligible to win a prize at the end of the season you must turn in your score card for 10 games. Answered questions and was able to recruit a new Event Convenor, Gail Livingstone a new member this year. She went over the rules that should be used while you are on the links swinging at that little white ball trying to get the best score that you can! Brad, the Club Pro came in and explained about the damage the greens had suffered over the winter. He also explained about punch cards which are good for ten games or games during the week, but not to be used on weekends or holidays which are $200.00. They are on sale for two weeks, after that the regular price of $30.25 would apply to weekly games. Carts are $8.00 per person.
Cherie Jackson is the Treasurer - the closing luncheon is covered by the initial fee that was paid to Cherrie.
Sharon Ife the Statitician looks after all the scoring and the final numbers for prizes. Make sure your name is spelled properly on the score card so that you always get credit for your game.
Anne Marie Rocheleau looks after Membership.
Below are the members that were at the coffee party in no special order - sorry if I missed anyone, and if I meet any members that were not present I will add your pictures at the bottom of this post if you can find me with my camera! My name is Jackie Scott and you can find my picture on the top right hand side of the blog.
Jeanette Wardrop |
Charlene Bruce |
Irene Ziliotto |
Deedee Davies |
Wendy Lewis |
Shirley Wheppler |
Ursula Whiteley |
Diane Armitage |
Sherry Wendling
Anne Sorochinsky |
Karen Shannon |
June McGarry |
Leola Spinazze
Pat Richardson |
Ellen Irving |
Gail Livingston |
Jeanette Massicotte |
Sandra Rowe |
Ray Quinn |
Veronica Smith |
Essie Rourke |
Anne Knapp |